, js_prd_to_bsk: ""
, is_webshop: 1
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$( '#slideshow_2260431 img' ).on( 'click', function(){
var href_onclick = $( this ).attr( 'data-href-onclick' );
if ( href_onclick && model_slsw.is_mobile ){
window.location.href = href_onclick;
} else {
var w = window.open( '' ), html = '', image;
// add base and mobile styles
html += '
html += '
html += '
if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html += '
// add desktop styles
if ( !model_slsw.is_mobile ){
html += '
if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html += '
// add js
html += '';
// add js to close new tab when Esc keyboard key pressed
html += '';
// init html controls
var html_btn_close, html_btn_prd_to_bsk, html_favorite;
if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html_btn_close = '
html_btn_prd_to_bsk = '
html_favorite = '
' + model_slsw.html_favorite + '
} else {
html_btn_close = '
// add html
html += '
html += html_btn_close;
if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html += html_btn_prd_to_bsk;
html += html_favorite;
$( '#slideshow_2260431 img' ).each( function(){
image = new Image();
image.src = $( this ).prop( 'src' );
html += '
' + image.outerHTML + '
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if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html += html_favorite;
html += html_btn_prd_to_bsk;
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html += html_btn_close;
html += '
// add js
if ( model_slsw.is_webshop ){
html += model_slsw.js_favorite;
html += model_slsw.js_prd_to_bsk;
// render
w.document.write( getImageWebpageHtml( model_slsw.project_title, html ) );
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var xClick = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$( this ).one( 'touchmove', function( e ){
var xMove = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
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if ( Math.floor( xClick - xMove ) < -sensitivityInPx ){
$( this ).carousel( 'prev' );
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$( this ).on( 'touchend', function(){
$( this ).off( 'touchmove' );
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